Marvel Legends Giant Man

Hasbro Pulse Haslab Project 2023


On Friday 8th September 2023 Hasbro announced the forth Marvel Legends HasLab project just before the Disney D23 event. (At which the prototype was on display).

Considerably smaller than previous Haslab figures, Giant Man only stands 24 inches (60cm). However he also comes at a much lower price of $199.99 / £200.

They also stripped back the idea of the tiers being additional figures, and focused solely on the initial offering.

This time around the minimum backers required was only 10,000 which is considerably lower but still a lot compared to the initial 6,000 for the Sentinel.

Despite a huge push from the Marvel Legends team, backing moved very slowly. The prototype was on display at NYCC and a whole bunch of images and videos came out explaining various aspects of the figure.


Online community groups on facebook and other social media sites started to doubt if the project was going to be funded and this in turn brought out other fans who were in support of the project.
Despite all of this, backing only moved by a few each day, with most days not gaining more than a 100 new backers.
With only a few days left Hasbro announced that the ‘Avengers: Beyond Earths Mightiest’ line would continue into 2024 and they revealed the first of the figures, A classic Wasp figure, which obviously paired with Giant Man perfectly. Not only that, they actually went as far as showing up both prototypes together.
Going into the last 24 hours of the backing window, most social media accounts were discussing the project, including Hasbro Pulse.
With just two hours to go the backing numbers finally passed the minimu requirement of 10,000.
Amazingly the project continued to gain traction and went as far as opening the first tier, the zombie face place.
The project closed with a total of 13,889 backers meaning it was only 111 short of the final tier!
One thing to note is that even though the project was the lowest priced of the three Marvel Legends Haslab projects, it is the smallest number going into production. Therefore there is a good chance that for anyone wanting to pick one up on the secondary market, there is a very good chance the prices will exceed those of the previous projects

Additional face plates

Tier One - Zombie Face

The team at Hasbro announced the first reward tier would be an interchangeable face plate and antenna that would transform Giant Man into a zombie version of the character.

This would be unlocked for all backers at 12,000 backers.

Tier Two - Skrull Face

The second reward tier was announced at the same time and would be an alternate head that would transform Giant Man into the Skrull version of the character. This extra head would only be unlocked if the total backers reached 14,000.