Connect with Jacob’s Toys across social media for the latest updates, exclusive content, and behind-the-scenes looks at the world of Action Figure and Toy collecting.

There are four main platforms on which you can follow Jacob’s Toys as well as right here on the website.

Instagram, You’ll find action figure photography, custom figures, and everything in between in the form of both images and reels. There’s also polls to engage with and bite sized reviews.

YouTube, Dives deeper with in-depth reviews, 5 minute figure reviews, unboxing, tutorials, and live streams.

TikTok, Which offers quick clips, from collection highlights to trending toy-related content.

Threads, Is more texted based so we keep the conversation going with industry news, opinions, and community discussions.

Jacob’s Toys Website is home to the blog which is often updated with everything all in one place. Plus industry news and reveals.

You can see more on each one by clicking one of the buttons below but no matter where you follow, there’s always fresh content to explore and a growing community to be part of here at Jacob’s Toys.

Throughout each week, I use six main hashtags to showcase different aspects of action figure collecting and pop culture:

#MarvelMonday – A celebration of all things Marvel, from action figures and collectibles to character spotlights and iconic moments.

#ToyLineTuesday – A deep dive into different toy lines, exploring their history, evolution, and standout releases.

#WhatsNewWednesday – Covering the latest news, new figure drops, and fresh additions to the collection.

#ThrowbackThursday – A nostalgic look at retro toys, classic figures, and childhood favourites.

#FirstAppearanceFriday – Highlighting characters first appearances in comics, movies, and action figure form.

#SuperheroSaturday – A day dedicated to celebrating superheroes from all franchises, showcasing figures, customs, and legendary stories.